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Vanessa Day, Henham, United Kingdom
I have received the order and will be playing another shortly.
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Elliot, 53, Tennessee
“I just turned 53 young, not so old, huh, and have been suffering from erectile dysfunction for more than 8 years. Different techniques and medications did not help me or were useful just for a while and then the problem returned. Only with Cialis I could ...
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The cancers with longest treatment waits revealed
Patients with bowel, gynaecological and head and neck cancers are more likely to face delays.
Twin study of fussy eaters reveals new clues
Genetics influence how adventurous or fussy a child is about food, the large study suggests.
Genetic ghosts suggest Covid’s market origins
A team of scientists say it is "beyond reasonable doubt" the Covid pandemic started with infected animals.
High-grade masks evidence weak, Covid inquiry told
UKHSA's Prof Susan Hopkins said respirator masks may have worked no better than thin surgical masks.
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